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Hello. I’m Laurie Gallagher: photographer, yoga pro, nature lover. I create bold and compelling images for your personal and professional needs.

When an image draws you back for a second look, I know it’s a success. My approach to commercial photography embodies equal parts artistry, production skill and marketing smarts to create images that are bold and impactful, delivering real results.

Photography with wow-factor begins with connection and emotion. Whether I’m shooting a dynamic yoga teacher on a mountain top, a yawning newborn baby, or a home that is for sale, I’m striving to create an end product that has a bold emotive quality, connecting viewer and subject. This connection is my secret sauce.

As a kid, my favorite thing to do was perch on top of my dad’s shop stool in the darkroom and watch him process photos. He was a stickler for proper darkroom technique and always had tips, equipment hacks and critiques to spare. Those initial hours of technical training from him gave me a strong foundation for my future college photo classes and jobs at photo labs and studios. I draw from this bank of old-school, hands-on photo techniques to innovate and fine-tune my images into artwork that reflects the genius, beauty and professionalism of my subjects.

A former personal trainer, group exercise instructor and yoga studio owner myself, I have first-hand experience in the operational and marketing needs of a small business. I understand the relentless marketing demands placed on today’s entrepreneur and how crucial it is to have fresh and engaging images available to showcase your offerings. I understand the types of images that viewers connect with and how to use those images to bridge the gap between potential client/customer and instant client/customer. You’re a pro, and I want you to look like one!